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Jan Cash

Lead Consultant


My Story

My mother introduced me to scentsy in October 2011.  I fell in love with the products and never thought I would ever become a consultant.  In August 2012, my husband and I were driving around and started talking about Scentsy.  As soon as I got home, I contacted my mother's consultant and joined.  I was a bit hesitant because I'm not a "sales" person by any means.  I'm very glad that I made the decision to become a consultant and share something that I love.  My husband loves Scentsy also.  He loves that there is such a variety of scents and loves trying new ones. I'm also a teacher at Poole Elem. and Scentsy gives me a way to make some extra money, meet new people, and share products that I love.     If you would like more information on buying some of Scentsy's amazing products for yourself, learning how to get Scentsy for free by hosting a home or basket party, or joining my team, please contact me anytime. Check out my website for all your Scentsy needs. <!--endbody-->

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